Domas represented in France by Brant-Industrie

In the French company Brant-Industrie, Domas Systems has found a good partner for the French-speaking region. Starting this year, customers in France and Wallonia, Belgium, can also purchase our press-out unit and other machinery for the coatings industry through Brant-Industrie. Brant-Industrie has years of experience in the chemical industry, enabling them to provide valuable guidance to customers regarding choices among various models of press-out units. Click here for more information!

Rosin crusher machine

At the plant of our client Unipro, Domas has yielded a resin-crushing machine. Goal of the machine is to provide a clean and safe working environment, so an environment without rosin dust. The resin crusher machine we have develloped meets this requirement perfectly. The unit is completely closed, and several actions are taken to prevent the operator from inhaling rosin dust.

Offcourse the installation still crushes rosin barrels. The rosin is supplied in steel barrels, which are placed in the press. The resin crusher compresses the barrel onto the grid. The barrels opens and the resin falls through the grid. Under the grid a crusher is situated, to minimize the lumps into pieces of a few centimeters. Then, the crushed resin is conveyed by screw jacks to the process vessels.


Manufacturing Thermo Ident-2

ThermoIdent011Our client THERMOTEX Nagel GmbH has ordered us to start up a new series of Thermo-Ident machines. New in this assignment is the Ident-2. The Ident-2 is basically the same as the Ident-1 with the difference that the machine is suitable for double tapewidth.